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How do FPP API Commands work?

FPP comes with a really useful API which lets us do things like play sequences, change the volume and more remotely.

Combining that API with the Baldrick button URL boxes is a simple way of adding interactive elements to your show.

The first thing we need is the IP Address of your FPP installation, in this case we are using but please replace this when adding to your button config.

Commands are sent to the URL /api/command/command name/options

Start the show​

If you want to give someone a magical moment and be able to start the show by pressing a button, you must first get your show playlist name (in this case we are using Show Time as our playlist name but please replace it with yours)

You set your button command to go to

e.g. Playlist/Show Time

This will start the playlist everytime someone presses the button, which is great.. until some little sh... visitor presses it again and again, to solve that we can use the IfNotRunning setting.

Add /false/true to the end of that URL (The false tells FPP not to repeat the playlist and the true tells it only to play if it isn't already playing)

e.g. Playlist/Show Time/false/true

Warning, if another playlist is playing whilst this button is pressed, it will interupt it

Sound on button​

Lets say that you wanted to only play the sound on your show when someone presses a button and that continues till either the end of the song or playlist.

You set your button command to go to

e.g. Set/70

Then at the bottom of each playlist (or song in the playlist) you just add an entry for FPP command which sets the volume to 0

FPP Playlist Volume Set To 0