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Is This Just WLED?

We've had a lot of questions (3) asking just how we've got 750 pixels at 40FPS on WLED and the honest answer is that we don't.

We love WLED and use it in our other projects, early versions of the Baldrick used it as well however we realised that there was a lot of functionality in WLED that we were never going to use and those functions take RAM and storage.

With that in mind we made the decision to write our own firmware with three principles in mind;

  • A minimum 600 Pixels per port at 40FPS (which actually ended up being 750 per port!)
  • A really simple (& Fun) UI
  • Focused core features dedicated to Seasonal Lighting

Whilst it's true that the Baldrick8 doesn't have every feature of some of the other boards, or the WLED software.

In the words of those woodworking siblings Karen and Richard - We've Only Just Begun